Using your local auto mechanic is great and you probably never gave using a Euro Auto Specialist a thought. You know the mechanic you’ve had for years and you’ve forged a good relationship with him. But sometimes it is time to get more specialized care for your car. That time comes when you buy a European make of car or truck.

Euro Auto Specialist

When you first buy a European car or truck, you’ll likely see the dealer for all your repairs. But once it is beyond the warranty, it is time to save some money by finding a Euro Auto Specialist. These are good mechanics, usually certified by an agency like ASE or other agency that tests and certifies auto mechanics. They become your trusted local mechanic and work in their shop in your neighborhood or close by, but they work only on European makes and models of vehicles.

The mechanic that specializes in repairing European vehicles always has what’s needed in stock, has the right tools, the right manuals and the right common parts in stock. If he doesn’t then he knows exactly where to find them. Your car or truck is never stuck at the mechanic because he is searching all over for an ordinary part or a metric tool. The Euro auto specialist has what he needs. The only cars he works on are European.

In the San Jose, CA, area, the Euro Auto Specialist you need is A1 Performance Auto Repair European Specialist. Cliff Do, the owner, and his mechanics work on all makes and models of European cars and trucks. If you live or work in San Jose, stop by the next time you need routine maintenance and get to know us. We hope to see you soon.

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